Heritage Bible Church

Tulsa/Catoosa, Oklahoma
Randy Crook, Pastor
The purpose of Heritage Bible Church is to glorify God: teaching His Word and the fundamentals of the faith as contained in the Holy Scriptures; providing a place of worship to build the Body of Christ through the edification of individual Believers; and presenting the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ at home and abroad.
Sunday Worship Service, 10:45 a.m.
Wednesday Bible Classes, 6:30 p.m.
8205 E. 586 Rd., Catoosa, OK 2 miles east of the Creek Turnpike on Hwy. 412
Download Map | thechurch@heritagebible.org | HBC Belief Statement
Virtual Conference Services
While our Sunday morning worship service has returned to on-site, Heritage Bible Church will continue conducting Wednesday meetings in a virtual conference mode, to accommodate the needs of our members and the community at large during the current health crisis. We are gathering together without leaving our homes, using Zoom, a free product that allows us to conference together with video via computers, tablets, and smart phones. Audio only access will also be available through any phone.
If you would like to participate in our services, please contact us at thechurch@heritagebible.org and we will set you up.
How to Get the Zoom App
- Windows Computers and Tablets—go to Zoom.us and click on “Resources” at the top of the page. Select “Download Zoom Client” and then download “Zoom Client for Meetings.” It should be the first choice. Running that downloaded installation file will install the app.
- IPhones and IPads—in the App Store, search for “zoom meeting app” and choose “ZOOM Cloud Meetings.”
- Android Devices—in the Google Play Store, search for “zoom” and choose “ZOOM Cloud Meetings.”
We are Christ followers who aspire to become better disciples and to make more disciples of Jesus our Lord. A disciple is one who is mastering the art of living his life in the real world the way Jesus would live it. That is what we strive to be about: living our lives in the real world the way Jesus would live it. We are confident that this is attainable as God enables us through His Spirit and directs us through the Bible and prayer.
We chose to include Heritage in our name because it is descriptive of our appreciation to those faithful Christ followers who have gone before us and of our commitment to leave a legacy of faithfulness to those who come after us. The traditions we most appreciate and the ones we most want to pass on are a dynamic, intimate and personal knowledge of Jesus Christ, a conviction that the Bible is God’s Word preserved for us, and a commitment to reach out to our world in behalf of Jesus.

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